| 2024-11-30
本文字數 179閱讀時長 1 分鐘
  • ldelf_syscall_open_bin()
    • If the session is for user TAs, look up user TA ELF by UUID. Currently, there are three ways (TA storages) to load user TA in OP-TEE:
      • Early TA
      • REE filesystem TA
      • REE-FS TA rollback protection

      • Each TA storage is registered by REGISTER_TA_STORE() and is stored into ta_stores scattered array in the priority order, e.g.
    • Iterates each TA storage, call their op->open() callback, e.g. ree_fs_ta_open() .
      • Each TA storage's op->open() is responsible for comparing UUID (either by itself or through thread RPC) to determine whether user TA for UUID can be found or not.
        • Returns TEE_ERROR_ITEM_NOT_FOUND if user TA for UUID cannot be found.