| 2025-1-4
本文字數 78閱讀時長 1 分鐘
  • boot_init_secondary()
    • init_secondary_helper()
        • thread_init_per_cpu()
          • Set mtvec/stvec to thread_trap_vect().
          • Set mscratch/sscratch to 0 to indicate that the following traps are from kernel.
        • init_sec_mon()
          • Do nothing as RISC-V doesn't have a secure monitor.
            • Secure monitor is OpenSBI.
      • boot_secondary_init_intc()
        • plic_hart_init()
          • Do nothing.
        • sbi_mpxy_setup_shmem()
          • Allocates 4KB MPXY shared memory (4KB aligned).
          • Call sbi_mpxy_set_shmem SBI call to set up the allocated MPXY shared memory for the current core. This will invoke OpenSBI’s sbi_mpxy_set_shmem() to save the shared memory address and size into current hart tdomain’s mpxy_state.